By JoAnn Frekot

On the evening of Saturday, January 11th, OT Artists, partners and friends welcomed the new year at our annual holiday party.

Tom McGregor and fellow party
goers at the food table

The gathering took place in our studio space, which (thanks to Katharine Gotham) was magically transformed into a Hawaiian beach, complete with a Tiki Bar, a palm tree, and ocean view.

(L-R) Sallie, Christine, Sarah,
Pat and friends

Brightly colored leis, flowered Hawaiian dresses and shirts, and more than a few flower blossom crowns were noted.  

Tom Winterstein and
Jim at the Tiki Bar

Party goers enjoyed a potluck buffet

JoAnn and Katharine
provided hula lessons

OT Artists Sarah Boyle Carmack  on
vocals and ukulele
and Tom McGregor on guitar 


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