Membership in OT Artists is open to all artists working in 2-D media, such as painting or drawing. We are open to artists of any skill level who have a sincere desire to improve as an artist. 


Each member of OT Artists:

  • Has the use of a 60 sq. ft. of studio space to create her/his artwork. Each member is allowed to install easels, taborets, drafting tables, etc. or whatever else they need to create art in his/her space.
  • Is encouraged to participate in St. Paul Art Crawl events as a member of OT Artists.
  • Can use the framing table, microwave, refrigerator, radio/cd player, tools, and other appliances and equipment owned by OT Artists.
  • Is allowed to bring in models for the artist’s own use with the permission of the executive board.
  • Is allowed to conduct classes in the studio with the permission of the executive board and payment of a usage fee of $10.00 per session.
  • Can participate in the open-studio life drawing and portrait sessions at a reduced rate. Member host(s) can participate free.


OT Artists flourishes because each member participates in running the group. Each member is expected to:

  • Serve on the executive board of OT Artists every 2 to 3 years. The executive board is the president, vice-president, and treasurer.
  • Attend business meetings of OT Artists, which occur as needed, about three times a year, usually on a Saturday morning, and which last less than 2 hours.
  • Each member is expected to contribute at least 12 hours of volunteer time per calendar year to maintain functions of the the group.
  • Help clean the OT Artists studio twice a year on a Saturday morning the weekend before the art crawl. Cleaning the studio takes about 3 hours.
  • Serve on ad hoc committees as needed, such as the open-studio drawing session, art crawl, and membership committee.
  • Do other tasks as needed, such as buying supplies, recycling bottles and cans, taking out the trash, sweeping and picking up the common area, etc. Any expenses incurred will be paid for by OT Artists.
  • Not to borrow or use other members’ painting supplies, furniture, equipment, or other items.
  • Each member is encouraged to host/help run an open-studio drawing session at least every other month.


Dues cover rent, insurance, and maintaining a budget reserve. The costs are split evenly between the membership. Dues are paid quarterly: July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1.


The application process is informal and quick.  The number of members at any given time is limited by the physical space available in our studio, but applicants can ask to be placed on the waiting list if space is not available at the time of application.

  • The applicant emails a request for membership to or tells a current member of OT Artists that they would like to become a member.
  • The applicant completes an OT Artists application form, which also serves as a waiting list.  
  • OT Artists will arrange to have two current members, as an ad hoc membership committee, meet with the applicant at the studio.
  • The members will talk to the applicant about her or his art, explain the benefits and expectations of membership, and show the applicant the studio and available studio space(s).
  • The applicant will be asked to provide some examples of her or his artwork for review by the membership of OT Artists. Normally this is done through email or through the applicant’s web site.
  • The ad hoc membership committee will make a recommendation on whether or not to move forward with an in-person meeting, where the applicant meets with the full group. The meeting serves as an interview for the applicant to both ask and answer questions.  
  • The full membership of OT Artists will vote by email on the application for membership.
  • The applicant will be notified by email or phone of the results of the vote.

If accepted, the new member will meet with a board officer in the studio to sign the membership agreement, get a copy of the OT Artists bylaws, and get the keys to the studio.


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