Old Town Artists offer Drawing and Portrait Painting studio sessions, open to all serious artists including beginners.  Sign up for our weekly Life Drawing and Portrait Painting schedule emails here:   Drawing and Portrait Painting Schedule 

Life Drawing sessions (nude model) are held weekly and run for either 2 hours ($12) or 3 hours ($18).  Start time is always at 7 PM on Wednesday evenings.


The following guidelines are intended to limit the dissemination of Covid-19 at open studio drawing and painting sessions, and to provide a comfortable informal, safe space for those attending to practice their art.

  1. No one is permitted to enter the studio who has had contact with an infected person within the past two weeks, has a fever, or has any of the many symptoms of a Covid-19 infection. If you feel ill stay home!
  2. Hand sanitizer is provided and should be used when appropriate.
  3. Artists should wipe down their easel and chairs with disinfectant at the end of the session and return them to their original storage space.
  4. Donations are expected from those who consume wine and snacks during the happy hour after each session. 
  5. Pets are not permitted at the life drawing sessions.
  6. Visitors must refrain from entering the private studio space of OT Artists members. 


OT Artists has hosted life-drawing open-studio sessions for most of its history. The sessions are in the OT Artists studio space on the east end of the fourth floor of F.O.K. Studios. 

The sessions are open to all serious artists, from beginner to expert.  We especially welcome beginners, who can work at their own pace in a supportive, critique-free environment. This is an open studio; there is no instructor.

  • Easels, drawing benches, and tables are available for use by the session participants.
  • Participants bring their own drawing or painting supplies.
  • Coffee, tea, and water are provided by OT Artists.
  • We invite all participants to stay after the drawing sessions for popcorn and conversation.


The sessions are held in the studio shared by members of OT Artists. As a result, we request that participants observe these simple rules.

  • Please remember that drawing session participants are guests of OT Artists.
  • Stay out of the artist’s spaces. Participants are invited to use the lounge area.
  • Do not use any equipment, easels, or supplies from the artist’s spaces.
  • Use only furniture or easels labeled OT Artists.
  • After the session return the easels, tables, TV trays, etc. to their storage locations.
  • Pick up after yourself. Remember to throw away your coffee cups, scrap paper, paper towels, etc.
  • Oil painters cannot use turpentine because many persons are allergic to it. Oil painters must use odorless mineral spirits.
  • Fixatives are not allowed in the studio because they are health hazards in enclosed spaces.
  • Smoking is not allowed in the building.


The drawing sessions alternate between a 3-hour session one Wednesday and a 2-hour session. 

How the sessions are run: The sessions consists of three, 3-minute poses followed by one pose for the rest of the session. The model is giving the discretion of  posing for 45 minutes and taking a break for 15 minutes or posing for 22 minutes and taking a break for 8 minutes.

Time: Wednesday night sessions begin at 7 p.m. and run until 9 p.m. (2 hour session) or until 10 p.m. (3 hour session). 

Cost: Beginning in 2023, cost is $12.00 for 2 hours or $18 for 3 hours, payable at the first break in the session. On the Wednesdays when the session is 3 hours, participating artists have the option of only drawing for 2 hours and paying $12 instead of $18 for the session. We provide a tip basket for the model. Tipping is optional.

Entry to the studio: Warehouse 2 (formerly the ACVR building) is locked after 4 p.m. The door will be opened for life-drawing participants from 6:40 to 7:00 p.m. After 7:00 p.m. call 612-461-8382 and someone will come downstairs to open the door for you.

Model schedule: The schedule of life-drawing models is announced in our newsletter.

Figure Models: OT Artists uses a model coordinator to schedule the models for the Wednesday-night open studio sessions. Please contact her directly at


Since 2009, Art Model Book has listed art schools, ateliers, and studios in the U.S. and Canada where artists can paint, sculpt, or draw live art models.   For more information, click here:  Art Model Book

Art Model Book notes, “Life Drawing groups come and go, and schedules change, so it is wise to confirm with the organizer before attending.”

For more information about Life Drawing in the Twin Cities, click here:  Minneapolis Life Drawing Workshop.


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